Category: Mysteries & Unsolved
The Grave That Holds No Bones
Merlin tells of a tomb sealed for eternity, a grave that holds no bones—only a prisoner too dangerous…
The Star That Wept – The Prophecy Written in Silver Tears
Merlin tells of a star that wept silver tears, granting prophecy to those who dared to touch them—but…
The Forgotten Titan – The Giant Who Whispers in the Dark
Merlin tells of the Forgotten Titan, a colossal being buried beneath the earth, whispering in the dreams of…
The River That Led Nowhere
Merlin recounts his journey down a river that flows through time, revealing lost secrets of history—and the terrifying…
The Day I Walked Amongst Giants
Merlin recounts his time among the forgotten civilization of Giants, a race of beings who once ruled the…
The Scribe of the Endless Book
Merlin recounts the tale of the Scribe of the Endless Book, a man doomed to write forever, and…